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Competitive Gaming Can Now Be Considered To Be a Sport

Streaming Sports Events is Becoming Increasingly Popular

At a sports venue the event is filmed from there the video data is encoded and compressed and sent over the internet to the streaming providers servers.The live sports streams are then accessed via a user with a streaming device such as a computer, smartphone, tablet or smart TV.

Competitive Gaming

Competitive gaming is the term that can refer to multiplayer video game competitions. Competitive gaming is now that popular that it can now be considered to be a sport.


Backgammon is played globally. The world championships started in 1964 with the first backgammon tournament being held in the Bahamas. The competition was held there until 1979 when it moved to Monte Carlo.

Computerized Backgammon

IBM created the world’s first computerized backgammon player called TD-Gammon in the 1980’s. IBM’s invention and the development of servers designed to host backgammon games now allows players from all countries to compete almost instantaneously.