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Website video production can generate pay per view videos that can help improve search engine rank by lowering bounce rate and increasing revenue

Will Pay Per View Videos Increase Revenue from my Website?

With the advent of high-speed broadband and the creation of streaming media broadcasts, website video production has become an increasingly important business. Now, with the introduction of pay-per-view models, website videos are not just instructional tools or mediums for displaying eye-catching adverts and promotional videos, but also potential revenue streams. The recent development of HTML 5 video players has simplified the process of video playback, making it easier to implement pay-per-view systems. Pay-per-view website video is an essential tool in reducing visitor bounce rate and generating income. Website video encourages interactivity through getting users to start, stop, and pause content. The lower your bounce rate (people clicking through your site, rather than back) the higher you are ranked by Google, Yahoo, or Bing. Engaging pay-per-view video content created by experts in website video production like Red Shell Productions can create for you a captive audience and a future market base, while also providing an additional source of revenue.