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Online distance learning: Live stream your training courses

Woman Reading Her Notes

Woman Reading Her Notes

Learning online carries many benefits. From reduced travel costs to saving staff time, streaming your course to an online audience can offer new opportunities to your business. We’re going to look at the benefits of online distance learning and why you should live stream your courses.

Online Distance learning isn’t new

Look at the Open University for example, they offer seminars, course materials and communication with lecturers through the medium of the internet. Why make people from all over the place come to a physical location when they can catch a seminar via live streaming? It’s the perfect example of online distance learning.

Online distance learning is more accessible than ever before and not just available to big budgets, it’s a great way to train your workforce.

The benefits of live streaming your courses

Condense your training location: Instead of paying for staff to travel across the country, paying for food and accommodation and taking up plenty of their time you can offer a live stream of the course instead. Delegates can login from anywhere with an internet connection and device to access your content.

Reduced venue costs: Instead of hiring out expensive venues to fit 200 people in, you can film one lecturer carrying out a course in a small room.

Interactive content: Online Distance Learning via live streaming also offers you live interactivity. You can have call in sessions and messages can be sent throughout the course. You can increase interactivity by incorporating polls, quizzes and Q&A sessions among others.

Send materials ahead of time: To help with content engagement, you may want to consider course materials such as PDFs, handbooks or PowerPoints ahead of time.

Increase attendance: Your delegates can attend your event from anywhere in the world with an internet connection and a device to connect with. One of many of the problems with physical locations for training courses is that setting firm dates for a course can quite often result in absenteeism. There is usually a section of the workforce that can’t make it for one reason or another.

Join later: Not only can you live stream your event but you can record it and make it available for use later on in the day, week or month.

Save on travel time: Staff don’t need to travel to get to their training course.

Increase staff training reach: With the saving on time, travel and additional expenditure, you can invest further on staff training and send more staff to attend an online training event.

Online distance learning via live streaming is a 21st century way to keep your workforce motivated, appreciated and well trained.

Email to discuss your online distance learning needs.

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